Implementation of National Biosafety Framework for Jordan

Type de projet
L'état du projet

Implementation of National Biosafety Framework for Jordan is funded By Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by Ministry of Environment under the supervision of United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

The Overall Goal of the project is to have a workable and transparent national biosafety framework, in line with Jordan’s national development priorities and international obligations. The specific objectives are:

  • Integrate and incorporate Biosafety and the safe use of biotechnology into national sectoral action plans and strategies in conformity with the Jordan NBSAP.
  • Establish a sound and effective legal regime with participation of all relevant authorities, and in line with national legislation, national needs and priorities, and the requirements of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
  • To have a fully functional system for handling requests, performing risk assessment, decision-making, performing administrative tasks, handling, storing and exchanging information.
  • Establish a workable and effective national system for follow-up: monitoring of environmental effects, inspections of LMO releases, and enforcement of Biosafety laws and regulations.
  • Establish a workable and effective national system for public awareness, education, participation, and access to information on LMOs.

Project components and expected results are summarized in the table below:

Component A

To assist Jordan to integrate and incorporate Biosafety and the safe use of biotechnology into national sectoral action plans and strategies in conformity with the Jordan NBSAP.

Expected results

A.1. Government recognizes the importance of Biosafety by integrating Biosafety issues into national policies, plans

A.2. Development programs and political and community support for the implementation of the Biosafety policy.

Component B

To assist Jordan to establish a sound and effective legal regime with participation of all relevant authorities, and in line with national legislation, national needs and priorities, and the requirements of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.

Expected results

B.1. An applicable law and applicable, effective and transparent regulatory system that are consistent with other national laws, the Cartagena Protocol, and other international treaties in place for handling of applications for LMOs

B.2. Increased national competence on regulatory issues is available and equipped with tools for related additional capacity building

Component C

To assist Jordan to have a fully functional system for handling requests, performing risk assessment, decision-making, performing administrative tasks, handling, storing and exchanging information.

Expected results

C.1. Administrative processing, risk assessment and decision-making of LMOs are set and operational including clear definitions of institutional roles and responsibilities

C.2. Increased national competence on handling of request is available and equipped with tools for related additional capacity building

Component D

To assist Jordan to establish a workable and effective national system for follow-up: monitoring of environmental effects, inspections of LMO releases, and enforcement of Biosafety laws and regulations.

Expected results

D.1. Increased national competence on monitoring, Follow-up, inspection and handling emergency cases is available and equipped with tools for additional capacity building

Component E

To assist Jordan to establish a workable and effective national system for public awareness, education, participation, and access to information on LMOs.

Expected results

E.1. Effective and workable mechanisms in place for access to, and sharing of information and for public participation in decision making on LMOs

E.2. Increased public awareness and education on Biosafety and the safe use of biotechnology in place and utilized effectively.




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