The status of biodiversity in Jordan remains unsatisfactory and facing numerous challenges and constraints. This is the fifth national report on biodiversity reporting the kingdom’s progress on the implementation of the convention on biological diversity. The report addresses the country biodiversity on three levels. The first level reports on the status of biodiversity, its trends and associated threats with particular focus on the changes which took place since the submission of the fourth national report in 2009. The second level covers an update on the implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), including a preliminary review of the progress made on the achievement of the various themes of the 2003 plan and the proposed projects. It also addresses the framework for the update of the plan as part of the country’s commitment towards the alignment of the plan with the global biodiversity strategy 2011-2020 and its associated Aichi targets. The third level presents a preliminary compilation of the national progress against the achievement of the global Aichi targets 2020 and the foreseen approach to systemize the process of their national alignment and integration.
Document type
National Report
Publication date (of file/URL)
1 сентября 2014
Aichi targets