National targets

Title Rationale Aichi targets
By 2015, a national awareness program for the NBSAP is developed and operational.

Awareness is a critical step to communicate with the public and different stakeholders on the NBSAP and the importance of conserving biodiversity. A major step which is required is to endorse the...

By 2015, a national biodiversity financing strategy is developed and adopted by the Cabinet

A financial strategy is required to scale up the biodiversity outcomes. Thus, a careful design is required which has to adopt different mechanisms including raising additional revenue, mainstreaming...

By 2015, a national program on the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety is effective.

It is important to develop and adopt a bylaw for Cartagena protocol and raise the awareness at a national level.

By 2015, the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from

It is important to develop and adopt a bylaw for access to genetic resources and the traditional knowledge associated with in accordance to three main laws which are: i) the Environment Protection Law...

By 2016, a sustainable national tourism strategy is finalized, adopted and implemented.

The tourism industry is growing in Jordan, and represents one of the main sectors in the national economy. The Convention on Biological Diversity lays out 20 clear targets to safeguard biodiversity...

By 2016, national climate change adaptation strategy and action plan is developed and implemented including mainstreamin

Biodiversity support effectively to sustain climate and minimize the impact of climate change. Thus, it is necessary to understand the impact of climate change impacts on biodiversity, and identify...

By 2016, national strategy for rangeland development and managements developed and effective

Jordan’s witnessed an increasing numbers of livestock’s due to political issues in the surrounding countries, which add more burdens on the existing rangelands. Moreover, the knowledge and information...

By 2016, renewable energy and mining strategies are reviewed and biodiversity safeguards adopted and enforced.

A growing interest in renewable energy resources is observed, especially after the commitment of the Government of Jordan toward renewable energy plans for 2020. Therefore, regulations have to be...

By 2016, sustainable coastal zone development master-plan developed and implemented

Aqaba is considered the only coastal area in Jordan, with a limited coastline of 27Km. however, it contains important ecosystems, habitats and species but are under threats of the increasing conflicts...

By 2016, the MoEnv strategy and its executive program are developed and operational.

It is critical for the ministry of environment to develop its strategy and executive program to set directions and establish priorities in order to achieve a common goal. In addition, it will help to...