Objectifs nationaux

Title Rationale Aichi targets
By 2016, the National Biodiversity Committee (NBC) is the prime governance mechanism for biodiversity.

The National Biodiversity Committee was established based on a cabinet decision aiming to support the ministry in the development of policies, strategies and action plans related to biodiversity...

By 2016, the new structure of the Nature Conservation Directorate of MoEnv is effective.

The nature conservation directorate at the ministry of environment is composed of three major sections which are the biodiversity conservation, water and marine and the desertification sections...

By 2017, a centralized national environment information system (JEIS) is established and operational

National initiatives on biodiversity information systems harmonized and integrated in the national context is necessary to understand the state of biodiversity. In addition, a series of scientific...

By 2017, the new environment protection law is endorsed and effective.

Since several gaps were highlighted in the environmental protection law number 52 of 2006 especially the sections related to waste management, pollution, water, desertification and biodiversity. A new...

By 2018, the national protected areas program reviewed and effectively implemented.

The protected areas network is dated back since 1964 where the first mission was conducted. Despite the continuous update for the protected areas network, but a detailed and comprehensive review is...

By 2020, a national strategy for forest conservation and sustainable use is developed and effective.

Despite the existence knowledge about forests in Jordan, but still no comprehensive inventory occurred which illustrate the percentages, coverage, ecosystem based approach for forests and forests...

By 2020, a participative biodiversity planning protocol is developed and adopted nationally.

In order to follow-up the progress made by the NBSAP partners; it is necessary to establish a planning protocol which aims to track progress of the implementation and report accordingly. In addition...

By 2020, benefits of key national ecosystems assessed and conservation actions taken.

A country assessments on ecosystem services valuation have to be undertaken for all key ecosystems. This is critical since it will support conservationists in advocating for conservation issues. In...

By 2020, development pressures from anthropogenic sources are reduced to sustainable levels for both terrestrial and mar

A comprehensive review is required for the environmental impact assessment and the strategic environmental assessment. Land use and sea use plans have to consider biodiversity within their context for...

By 2020, development pressures from anthropogenic sources are reduced to sustainable levels or both terrestrial and mari

Several databases were created by different entities in Jordan, and limited efforts were performed toward the Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) of the CBD. Therefore, the ministry of environment have to...